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About ASC Business Consulting

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The Origin of ASC Business Consulting

ASC Business Consulting traces its roots to well before the name was even around, back in 2015. Its owner, Chris Dodge, started a small freelance consulting agency to help businesses write reports, proof business plans and market research.


With the experience he gained, he officially started ASC in 2018. At that time, it was all about doing everything for everyone. Market research, business plans, process documents, summary reports, white papers, and much more. 


In 2020, the world changed... A lot. 

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About ASC Business Consulting

When the pandemic hit, the world changed. And so did our company! 


We focused less on being a jack of all trades, and more on helping individuals, entrepreneurs, and small businesses succeed in the then-remote world that we lived in. 


Since 2021, ASC Business Consulting has focused on providing specialized entrepreneurial coaching, business support, reporting, and mentorship to small businesses all around the world. 


We've worked with over 300 companies across Canada (home sweet home, eh?), the USA, the UK, Australia and New Zealand, much of Western Europe, Singapore, Northern Europe, and even South America. 


We understand that no matter where in the world you are, sometimes you just need someone in your corner to help your business grow. 

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Our Consulting Process

With our worldly experience, and understanding of dozens of industries and markets, we've developed a consulting process that works hand-in-hand with our Consulting Success Formula system.


Together, the Success Fomula System and our custom consulting process allow us to work with any team, of any size, in any market and provide personalized and tailored consulting, mentorship, and coaching services. 

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Contact Our Team

Looking to get in touch with our team?


The best way to connect with us is through any of our social media profiles, filling out a consultation form, or reaching out to us by email. That way, we can set up a time for a call that works best for you. 

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Business Hours








9AM - 5PM

9AM - 5PM

9AM - 5PM

9AM - 5PM

9AM - 5PM

10AM - 3PM


Contact Information





Calgary AB, Canada

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